A Revolution is Afoot Masquerading as Civil War – Part 4: Prudent Prepping

Sheriff Jones and the FBI are warning that domestic chaos is afoot. Since “we’re all preppers now” use your common sense and be prepared.

A Revolution is Afoot Masquerading as Civil War – Part 3: The New Alamo

In the coming days, a tense border crisis standoff between Texas and federal government will be resolved with a drawn-out cold or hot civil war.

The Orwellian Panopticon Majority Report is Born – Part 3

Have you made a deal w/the Devil and locked yourself in a global asylum where surveillance technology and lunatics have taken over?

The 5GW Technocracy Gestapo is Targeting “Infoterrorism”

The Orwellian New World Order where woke apparatchiks have no clue what our Constitution says, means, or the consequences of Truthphobia.