The Implosion of Commercial Office Space Has Begun – Part 5: Derivatives Domino

AAA-rated bonds within a CMBS derivative product backed by CRE have defaulted for first time since the Great Financial Crisis.

Bubble, Bubble, Housing Market Toil and Trouble: Spring-Summer 2024

Don’t expect ideal homes to flood the housing market this year, but due diligence might find a home that meets needs instead of wants.

Annual Interest Due on U.S. Sovereign Debt Surges Above $1 Trillion

Payments on the national debt doubled in the last 19 months and many Treasury bonds are slated to be refinanced at higher interest rates.

Bubble, Bubble, Housing Market Toil and Trouble: Capitulation

Buyer sentiment and data points appear to have entered a phase that mirrors the Great Financial Crisis housing bust to boom cycle, or worse.

The Recession Arrived With Wardogs and Goldilocks’ Hopium in 2023 – Part 4: Shark Bait

Most Americans are acutely aware of why the Bidenomics success narrative is nothing but a huge pile of stinking manure.