Note to Followers: The Summer Project in 2024

If you follow my work closely and subscribe to email notifications, you will notice fewer articles published this summer. Just like last year, I've returned to a seasonal part-time project that requires many hours away from the home office. The world is certainly a fright while WW3 brews in the background, so working stage at … Continue reading Note to Followers: The Summer Project in 2024

The 5GW Technocracy Gestapo is Targeting “Infoterrorism”

The Orwellian New World Order where woke apparatchiks have no clue what our Constitution says, means, or the consequences of Truthphobia.

The Certificate of Deposit and Treasury Bill Opportunity for 2023

The Federal Reserve’s current monetary policy provides an attractive investment opportunity not seen since before the Great Financial Crisis.

U.S.A. Technical Debt Default and 3Q21 GDP on Tap – Get FIRE’d

Have you been working on your financial independence and retire early strategy so you can live from a position of fk you?

The (Un)safe Deposit Box Dilemma – Part 2

Don’t be careless with your most important personal property by inviting counterparty risk that you will regret with no recourse available.