The Implosion of Commercial Office Space Has Begun – Part 5: Derivatives Domino

AAA-rated bonds within a CMBS derivative product backed by CRE have defaulted for first time since the Great Financial Crisis.

Annual Interest Due on U.S. Sovereign Debt Surges Above $1 Trillion

Payments on the national debt doubled in the last 19 months and many Treasury bonds are slated to be refinanced at higher interest rates.

Bubble, Bubble, Housing Market Toil and Trouble: Capitulation

Buyer sentiment and data points appear to have entered a phase that mirrors the Great Financial Crisis housing bust to boom cycle, or worse.

War Drums as Prices Skyrocket for Used Tractors and Farmland – Part 2

The mainstream press is reporting that consumers have already resorted to dumpster-diving to save money on the high cost of food.

The Implosion of Commercial Office Space Has Begun – Part 2

A commercial real estate market collapse while in recession is going to be ugly, and at least as bad as the Great Financial Crisis.